
The Dolphin Club welcomes swimmers, rowers, runners, handballers and all appreciators of the Bay! 

The annual POLAR BEAR winter swimming challenge is on. The quest for 40 miles began Dec 21, 2022, and ends March 22.  The WALT STACK running challenge is next, March 22 – May 31. The Short Stack is 100 miles, the Tall Stack is 225 miles. Run, walk or both. Remember Walt’s motto: START SLOW, AND THEN TAPER OFF. ( June 1 starts 100 Mile Swim Challenge…never a dull moment.)

Building the building we need: We need to renovate and upgrade the building, to provide a much-needed foundation, to lift the weight room and galley up, to upgrade the galley and our infrastructure, and provide new spaces to be together. We want everybody to participate, and are working on the details of the interior now, as we await City approval of the site plan. We anticipate a building permit mid-2023 and to complete construction by the end of 2024. You can learn more about it HERE and donate at the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Foundation.

Everybody is welcome at the Dolphin Club. For additional information contact communications@dolphinclub.org.

Applicants for membership to the Dolphin Club shall not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, religion, age, ancestry, national origin, sex, political affiliation, sexual orientation, physical handicap, marital status, medical condition (cancer related) conditions diagnosed as Acquired Immune Deficiency or AIDS Related Conditions, or any other grounds prohibited by law.  -San Francisco Rec and Park Commission Resolution 161619a